
How to treat tomatoes from hytophor?
You take care of tomatoes in the garden, take care of them, fertilize, water, weed the beds from couch grass and are already preparing to collect the first harvest, but one night the evil phytophthora destroys part of the crop. Plants are covered with brown spots with a white coating, what to do?
Signs of late blight
Phytophthora infestans – the fungus that causes late blight, multiplies quickly and reduces yields by up to 50%.
Symptoms of phytophthora are brown spots with plaque on leaves, stems and fruits, after which the affected cells begin to die, and diseased plants become unfit for consumption.
Favorable weather for the development of the disease – humidity of at least 80%, retention of water in the garden after rainfall, a sharp drop in temperature after which it remains at the level of 20°C, morning dew. Spores are carried by the root system and by wind.
Phytophthora prevention
Preventive measures will help to prevent the disease:
- separate planting of tomatoes and potatoes;
- maintaining the optimal distance between plants (about 50 cm);
- pinching the lower leaves and stepsons to ensure ventilation;
- cleaning weeds and dry vegetation;
- watering only under the root;
- mulching;
- treatment with prophylactic drugs.
Chemical means against phytophthora
A reliable drug for combating phytophthora of tomatoes is the fungicide Charivnyk from TM ProtectON.
Charivnyk is a three-component preparation that will help with the prevention, protection and fight against tomato diseases.
It contains the substances metalaxyl, mancozeb and dimethomorph, which provide a contact and systemic effect on pathogens, slow down the spread of infection and destroy it.
- Protects plants, even under adverse weather conditions
- Increases productivity
- Protects new growth
- Non-toxic
Features of using
For prevention, processing is carried out before the first signs of the disease, but before the closing of the crop rows under favorable conditions for the development of the disease.
For treatment, the first treatment is carried out when symptoms of the disease appear, subsequent treatments are carried out after 10-14 days, taking into account the waiting period before harvesting -14 days.
In addition to tomatoes, it is suitable for processing potatoes, because they are just as vulnerable to phytophthora damage.